Tag Archives: breastfeeding in public

A Day at the Park


Splashing water with the flip of a coin

Sinking to answer a wish.

My hair blows from the breeze,

As leaves fly from the trees.

Looking down,

I see her eyes,

Brown with a spark of light.

As I rub her arm,

I feel my blood running through her veins.

Wondering if her tiny hand on my breast,

Can feel the beat from my chest.

Her newly formed body learns how to grow.

There is no thing more beautiful than her.

I look up,

And see him next to me,

Badge blinding from the shine of the sun.

Pressure in my veins rise fast,

As I brace for the words,

“Lady please leave.”

My breathing rises,

And I look down to see,

Such an innocent child just trying to be.

His words are striking,

With the tone of disgust.

But I notice,

These words are not directed at me.

Nearby I turn to see,

Two lovers on a bench kissing.


Erdman, C HHS008

About the author: 

Cassandra is currently a junior at Marywood University in Scranton, PA. She is currently studying Pre-Physician Assistant studies and will be starting her graduate courses this upcoming May (2015). Cassandra grew up in a small town near Harrisburg, PA where she was raised by her mother, father and four older siblings. She went in to her feminist writing class unsure of her beliefs and standings but came out understanding the meaning behind feminism.